Tour of the steelworks - GMH Gruppe - ABRAMS Industries®
Employees of ABRAMS Industries as guests at Ursprung!
What is Georgsmarienhütte GmbH?
Georgsmarienhütte GmbH is part of the Georgsmarienhütte group of companies. It consists of 26 companies and is managed by Georgsmarienhütte Holding GmbH, based in Georgsmarienhütte.
GMH Gruppe offers bar steel and crude steel made from quality and engineering steels and is a leading supplier in this sector in Europe. Its materials and products are used in various industries. The company forms the basis for various industries, particularly in the automotive sector.
Regional steel expertise in the Osnabrück area.
Divided into two groups, some ABRAMS Industries employees travelled to the Georgsmarienhütte GmbH steelworks. As a partner of GMH Gruppe, it was therefore a great pleasure for us to be given a guided tour of the plant and to accompany the steel production process. An important aspect of this was also to familiarise the employees, some of whom were from other divisions, with the understanding and production of steel.

The steel smelter in the steelworks.
Dressed in protective gear, we went into the halls of the steelworks. A major highlight at the beginning of the tour was the melting process. With the help of an electric arc furnace, which is used in Georgsmarienhütte, a large amount of pre-sorted scrap is melted down and processed into liquid steel.
Environmentally conscious and environmentally friendly steel production.
The entire GMH Gruppe is characterised, among other things, by its great commitment to environmental awareness and protection. When purchasing electricity to power the electric arc furnace, attention is already paid to an ecological mix and the waste heat generated by the melting process is also used to heat the plant or given to the city as district heating. As a partner, we are of course particularly pleased to support environmentally friendly companies. This is why the ‘Green Steel’ concept of the GMH Group also fits in with the environmentally conscious values of the ABRAMS Group.
Alloy of the steel.
The tapped material then flows into large ladles, where it is given its final desired alloys if required, before being poured into the continuous casting plant. This process could be observed at close quarters: The hot strands passed under the control bridge, which caused both the hall and the windows to heat up considerably due to the heat emitted.
Further processing of the steel strands.
The tour continued through the huge halls to the ‘final steel bar plant’, where the cast strands are sorted and allowed to cool before they are stored as ingots or raw strands, sold or loaded into the company’s own rolling mill for further processing into steel bars. In the rolling mill, the steel is brought back up to temperature, again in an ecologically sustainable manner, and pressed between rollers into the desired shape.
It is possible for the mill to roll different diameters and to respond precisely to customer requirements. Georgsmarienhütte GmbH claims to be ‘Europe’s leading supplier of bar steel and crude steel made from quality and engineering steels’. Before each delivery, a spectrometer analysis is carried out for each bar as a final quality test. Only then are the steels sawn to the short lengths required by the customer.
Conclusion of our plant tour at the GMH GmbH steelworks.
During the almost two-hour tour, the employees covered almost 10,000 steps in the many halls of the huge company premises. The process, from melting and casting to the final operation, was an impressive experience for everyone and once again sharpened their senses for steel.
Many thanks again for the guided tour that GMH Gruppe made possible for us.