Our delivery program contains 4.307 different specifications/standard dimensions. Any dimension is available in different hights, width and length. On your request – according to your needs!

ALU-Präz® [ALU]
For example: 123 x 12,0 x 500 mm
- W 33 - 503 mm | sawn | tol. +3 / -0 mm
- T 5,0 - 80,0 mm | finely milled | tol. + 0,1 / - 0,1 mm (both sides foiled)
- L 500 and 1.000 mm | sawn | tol. +5 / -0 mm

Precision round aluminium [PRA]
- ø 2,0 - 60,0 mm | drawn | tol.: Ø EN754-3 (~h11)
- L 500 und 1.000 mm | sawn | tol. +10 / -10 mm

Round aluminium [RA]
- ø 4 - 100 mm | pressed | tol.: Ø +1 / -1 mm (aspired)
- L 500 und 1.000 mm | sawn | tol. +10 / -10 mm