
Our delivery program contains 36.221 different specifications / standard dimensions. Any dimension is available in different heigths, widths and length.
On request – we saw, mill and grind for you according to your needs!

Precision flat steel without machining allowance acc. to DIN 59350 [PFS]
For example: 100,0 x 20,0 x 1.000 mm

W ground / milled, tol. +0,2 / -0mm
T coplanar ground, tol. +0,05 / -0 mm
L milled / sawn, tol. +35 / -0 mm
Exception: PREMIUM 1.1730 – AISI/SAE 1045: : W +0,4 / -0mm; T +0,25 / -0 mm

Precision flat steel with machining allowance [PFS/BA]
For example: 100,3 x 20,3 x 1.000 mm

W ground / milled, tol. +0,4 / -0 mm
T coplanar ground / finely milled, tol. +0,4 / -0 mm
L milled / sawn, tol. +35 / -0 mm

€co-Präz® [€co]
For example: 103 x 20,3 x 500 mm

W sawn / black, tol. +3 / -0 mm
T finely milled, tol. +0,4 / -0 mm
L sawn / black, tol. +15 / -0 mm

Hart-Präz® [Hart]
For example: 250 x 10,2 x 500 mm

W sawn / black, tol. +10 / -0mm
T coplanar ground, tol. +0,2 / -0 mm
L sawn / black, tol. +10 / -0 mm
Planeness: +0,2 / -0 mm of the entire surface (aspired)


Premium P-Plates [PPP] 
For example: 296,0 x 346,0 x 17,0 mm

W finely milled, Tol. +0,15 / -0 mm
finely milled, Tol. +0,15 / -0 mm
ground, Tol. +0,35 / +0,20 mm

Erosion block / EDM block – annealed or hardened [EB]
For example: 200,3 x 200,3 x 40,0 mm

Square dimension milled / ground, tol. +2 / -0 mm
T finely milled / ground, tol. +0,25 / -0 mm
• Grain structure is vertically directed in relation to base surface

Precision round steel without machining allowance [PRS]

• bright ground, tol.: Ø ISO h8, L +10 / -10 mm
• bright drawn / finely peeled / ground, tol.: Ø ISO h9, L +10 / -10 mm
• bright finely peeled, tol.: Ø ISO h11, L +10 / -10 mm

Precision round steel with machining allowance [PRS / BA]

• peeled / rough-turned, tol.: Ø +tol. / -0 mm, L +tol. / -0 mm
• Exception PREMIUM 1.3343 – AISI/SAE M2: L 1.000 mm: tol. L +10 / -10 mm
Particularity: PREMIUM 1.2826 – AISI / SAE 1.2826, PREMIUM 1.2360 – AISI / SAE ~Chipper, PREMIUM 1.2067 – AISI / SAE L3: Ø are metric full values (for example 30,0 mm), therefore there is no basic allowance (for example 30,5 mm)

Round steel [RS]

• black, tol.: Ø +1 / -1 mm (aspired), L +tol. / -0 mm